If there is a cure for autism spectrum disorders, the body is the best place to find it.


By DNR, Inc.

There are more children with neurological disorders today than in the past 30, 40 or even 50 years. There are many possible reasons for this record increase. We have talked to doctors and health practitioners who work with children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, and they all say the same thing. "The child was not born that way".

Most research suggests that all autism spectrum disorders have shared genetic mechanisms. These genetic mechanisms may lay dormant in a child until something external awakens it. Vaccines, environmental pollutants, petrochemicals, cleaning solvents and the like are all means by which the outside environments can influence these genetic propensities.

Neuroleptic medications like risperidone and olanzapine have been shown to reduce associated symptoms, but most natural healing experts believe that pharmaceuticals, with their complex compounds and their tightly synthesized molecules, can be a burden on the nervous system and the respiratory system. A new human body can't break these tight molecules apart in order to extricate them from the body, so they get stuck on soft tissue like the lipid type tissue surrounding the nervous system, the myelin sheath.

Chemical companies disperse toxic waste into the air where it is breathed in by the undeveloped child or a soon-to-be parent.

Toys and baby bottles have been made of plastics with many types of poly compounds. Together, they have an interaction with the body that can put stress on every part of the body. Placing a baby bottle or any plastic container with food in a microwave can cause the plastics to leach into the food, altering the food's natural make-up which will deplete and/or negate any nutritional value the food originally possessed. The compounds leached into the food can possess hormone-mimicking properties, and the body still attempts to process it.

We believe the underlying cause of these disorders is toxicity. Toxicity from present environmental factors can not only invade a new human body, but it can also influence toxic genetic predisposition. A child whose body is in the throws of system development, in particular their developing immune and nervous systems, cannot deal with toxicity the way an adult body can. Still, damage from toxicity in adult sperm or adult ovaries can be the beginning of a genetic time bomb waiting to be awakened. One should prepare and detox before having children.

If there is a cure for autism spectrum disorders, the body is the best place to find it. The body was designed to be healthy and strives to stay healthy if given the chance. DNR, Inc. has developed tools which will assist the body in ridding itself of toxic debris.

DNR, Inc. suggested protocol:

The following DNR, Inc. Light-Energized products are suggested for assisting the body in controlling the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders:

* EVB Water Energizer and Vitality Booster. 2 teaspoons in 32 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. This will help lift the body’s energy level and acclimate it to the kind of energy movement one will experience in the first Body Soak.

* Take 6-10 drops each of Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements CEL-517, TOX-518 and COF-520EX, 3 - 5 times per day. They can be taken with the EVB Water mixture. The CEL-517 is formulated to balance the cell thereby revitalizing it and improving cell restructuring, thus assisting the body's ability to keep the daughter cell more vital during mitosis.TOX-518 & COF-520EX assists the body in triggering the natural release of the toxins contained in the cell.

* HBH Series Product NRV-SYSEX is taken by itself. Take one tablespoon in 4 ounces of juice or water, swish it in the mouth for 30 seconds to a minute, then swallow. Do this until the water or juice is gone. This should be done twice to three times daily. Do this by itself so that it can focus on the system without interference.

* Liquid Needle Total Balance drops should be use topically on the 8 Basic Balance points on the head. This will help in balancing and vitalizing the corpus callosum which connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The hypothalamus, which reassembles the various peptide chains into neurotransmitters to send out to the various glands and organs of the body, triggers hormone production and other transmitters to perform their associated tasks. Other areas are vitalized as well when applying this to the 8 points on the head (the pineal gland, pituitary gland, chakras [or energy vortexes] and more). It takes a positive 70 millivolts to get a transmitter across a neuro-junction or synapse. When blocked or bogged down by toxins, no message or signal will get across and is eventually lost and never makes it to its destination. Using Total Balance with its higher energy resonance can assist the transfer of signals over the blockages.

* After this 3 days of using the products above, it is time to get in a Liquid Needle Body Soak. 105-NRV Body Soak is the vital part of this regimen. During those 3 days of taking the suggested oral and topical products, they have assisted the body in its natural ability to trigger the release of the toxins causing the blockages in the communication pathways. As the toxins are released, they naturally travel through the blood and into the Lymphatic system where they are chewed up by the macrophages, then secrete the rest back into the blood where they will then travel to the sub-dermal skin layer where capillaries exist. There they are deposited through the pores of the skin and the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles into the Body Soak bath mixture. Another plus for the Body Soak is... while you are soaking, every balancing point is stimulated like a full body acupuncture treatment, but without the needles.

  The Nutrition PAK is also recommended to help supplement nutritional needs during any attempt at detoxing.

Anytime we become aware of new research or breakthroughs with regard to this subject we are compelled to pass it on to our product users.

The following video was released in March 2012 and has been viewed over 2 million times on YouTube. We think you will be astounded and moved by this incredible story of perseverance and determination.  (You may need to allow ActiveX control to view video.)


Researchers find first common autism gene

Article Courtesy Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor, Reuters
Tue Apr 28,

Researchers have found the first common genetic link to autism and said on Tuesday it could potentially account for 15 percent of the disease's cases. Three studies, two in the journal Nature and one in Molecular Psychiatry, suggest changes in brain connections could underlie some cases. While the findings do not immediately offer hope for a treatment, they do help explain the underlying causes of the condition, which affects as many as one in 150 children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"These findings establish that genetic factors play a strong role in autism spectrum disorder," National Institutes of Health acting director Dr. Raynard Kington said in a statement. "Detailed analysis of the genes and how they affect brain development is likely to yield better strategies for diagnosing and treating children with autism." Autism refers to a spectrum of diseases, from severe and profound inability to communicate and mental retardation, to relatively mild symptoms called Asperger's syndrome.

Doctors have been at a loss to explain it, although it has been clear autism can often run in families, suggesting a genetic cause. "Previous studies have suggested that autism is a developmental disorder resulting from abnormal connections in the brain. These three studies suggest some of the genetic factors which might lead to abnormal connectivity," Dr. Thomas Insel, director of NIH's National Institute of Mental Health, said in a statement.


The international team of researchers looked at DNA from more than 12,000 people, some from families affected by autism, and unaffected volunteers. "We estimate that the variants we discovered may contribute to as many as 15 percent of autism spectrum disorder cases in a population," Dr. Hakon Hakonarson of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, who worked on the study, said in a statement. "Most of the genes that have been identified in these studies are involved in the connections between neurons called synapses,' said Tony Monaco of the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics at Britain's University of Oxford, who worked on the study, said in a statement.

"This does seem to fit with what we know from brain scans -- that people with autism may show different or reduced connectivity between different parts of the brain." The mutations are not unique to people with autism. "While this gene variant is common in the general population, we discovered that it occurs about 20 percent more often in children with autism," said Dr. Daniel Geschwind of the University of California Los Angeles, who worked on the study. "Until now, no common genetic variant has been identified with such overwhelming evidence to support its role in autism spectrum disorders," added Dr. Margaret Pericak-Vance of the University of Miami.


Autism Spectrum Disorders