In recent years, scientists have discovered that certain commonly used chemicals can disrupt our endocrine systems. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC's) or endocrine toxicants, can upset this communication system in a variety of ways. They can mimic natural hormones and send false messages, or block hormone receptors that receive messages. While researchers are only beginning to understand the health effects of these chemicals, they have already observed that hormone disruptions can result in damage to the brain, immune and reproductive systems. At this time, we are aware of over 2000 known EDC's that humans come in contact with every single day of our lives. Phthalates is used to soften plastic and improve consistency of cosmetics and commonly found in children's toys, make up, cars and PVC flooring which could cause breast cancer, asthma, infertility and birth defects.

Other common EDC's are styrene, carbon disulfide, dichloromethane, trichloroethylene, lead and benzene. We contact these toxicants in the air we breathe, the water we drink and even the things we touch.

It is virtually impossible to completely rid our lives of these toxicants because their use is so prevalent in our society. Endocrine Toxicants may cause diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, reproductive disorders, and cancer. Exposure to endocrine toxicants PCB's and DDT have caused a host of toxic effects in wildlife, including impaired reproduction and development. Other endocrine toxicants, such as pesticides and dioxins, are being studied for their possible role in promoting hormone-induced cancers (such as breast cancer) and in lowering sperm counts and male fertility. Endocrine Toxicants can cause permanent damage to the reproductive systems of both men and women.

A new research study by the World Health Organization finds the prevalence of pediatric asthma has more than doubled over the past 20 years and is now the leading cause of child hospitalizations and school absenteeism. Certain birth defects, such as those of the male reproductive organs are on the rise. Incidence of pediatric leukemia and brain cancer have risen, as has the incidence of testicular cancer. These are stark health statistics.

A man's sperm can be damaged genetically and be coated with the toxicant, and a woman's ovum can be damaged in the same way. An unborn child and those in subsequent generations may suffer because of these toxicants. Food in plastic containers, even the ones frozen dinners now come in contain chemicals that can be ingested with the food and could cause great problems for an unborn child and you. Meats and milk from the store contain rBGH. (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone). rBGH, is a hormone to increase milk production in cows. It causes mastitis requiring lots of antibiotics in cows that can be passed on to humans, which in turn, can create new incurable diseases.

The Endocrine System is one of the body’s most vital systems. It demands a well balanced cellular equilibrium! The new DNR Endocrine Detox PAK can help raise the body’s vitality and assist the body in bringing about hormonal balance naturally by expediting the extrication of endocrine toxicants.

Click Here to read a new article from Scientific American: New research reveals that some common food additives behave like estrogen in the body


1. Start by using EVB-137EX water additive as directed on bottle.

2. Add 6-12 drops of GLA-519EX-2oz in 3 oz. water or juice and drink 3 times per day.

3. Take 1 teaspoon of END-SYSEX in 1 oz. of water. Swish in mouth a while and swallow until 1 oz. is gone. Do this twice daily.  Please take it separate from the GLA-519EX, waiting 5 minutes in-between.

4. After 3 days of above directions, you may now begin the Endocrine System Soak (105-END).  Soak for 30 minutes in warm water (not too hot) each Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights.  Take the weekend off.  Do this for 9 soaks, or as directed by your health professional. First 2 soaks add 4 oz. of 105-END to the bath water. Each soak thereafter add 8 oz. of 105-END to the bath water. If 4 oz. too much to start with, use 2 oz. until you can work up to 8 oz. per soak.

5. Use B111EX to balance yourself on the 8 Basic Balancing Points before getting into the tub each soak night, and rebalance yourself with the B111EX after getting out of the tub. (Women should apply at this time to the Female Balance Points too.)

6. Women who are experiencing symptoms of PMS or Menopause should consider using Liquid Signals Oral Supplements MEL-502-2 for assisting with melatonin, serotonin or sleep issues, and PRO-503-2 for assisting with progesterone, estrogen or testosterone production. Follow the directions on the label.

As a maintenance program, consider soaking with 8 oz. of 105-END once per month.

After completing the Endocrine Detox Regimen, you may want to consider a follow-up regimen using the Nervous System Products (105-NRV, NRV-SYSEX). The DNR Information and Usage Guide can be used as a reference guide for all DNR products, protocols and regimens.

Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements assist the body in triggering the natural release of toxins from the organs, glands and systems of the body where toxins reside. During this natural release, toxins make their way to the sub-dermal skin layer where the appropriate Liquid Needle® Body Soak assists in the safe and natural extrication of toxins through the pores of the skin and the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. Getting the toxins in position for extrication is what Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements are all about. 

Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements do not “force” an action for the release of toxins the way harsh drugs, synthetics or other supplements may do. Instead, Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements, encoded with specific and subtle light-wave energy signals, balance the body and allow for the “natural release” of toxins from areas of the body where toxicity dwells.  

It is this synergistic relationship between Liquid Signals® Oral Supplements and Liquid Needle® Body Soaks that makes DNR, Inc. Detox regimens so naturally safe, revolutionary and unique.

Endocrine System