What You Need To Know - To Get Well - Stay Well! To stay as well as possible should be everyone's goal! The word "possible" means we habitually do nothing to harm the body and everything we know of to help it. We all need to know more about what it takes to help our bodies help us get well and stay well. First, however, we need to know more about the actual structure of our bodies and what that structure relies on to stay healthy and alive. Our bodies are made up of microscopic cells. These cells make up our tissue, bones, organs and systems. Every cell in the body is composed of combinations of atoms, called molecules. These molecules are electrical in nature, supplying the electrical and energy needs of the cell. Without sufficient and balanced energy, the atom molecules cannot support the cell's ability to maintain health or heal. Balanced and sufficient levels of energy within the molecular structure of cells must be present before any physical, mental or emotional problem can be addressed. Insufficient and blocked energy, along with imbalances, occur at different locations and times in the body. Only the body can heal itself but it must first be in balance. Our bodies depend on electricity to ignite the movement and balance of all chemical responses. If the balance and strength of the body's electrical properties are lacking, other systems and functions will be compromised and will malfunction. All of the body's chemical and energy functions depend on electricity. Without the ability to produce electricity, the body will not function and will die. Note: One of the most important characteristics regarding DNR light-activated products is the unique ability to stimulate energy and electrical movement throughout the body. Not enough can be said about the body's dependency on electrical and energetic support. The heart depends on electrical support in order to move blood, plasma and nutrients to every cell in the body. The body's immune system depends on the nervous system to send electrically stimulated messages alerting specific cells about the attacks of certain invaders. Without the electrical potentials found in the nervous system, none of the body’s cells and systems could be tied together to form one central communication system. The relationship between the body's energy level and its electrical activity is crucial to maintaining health and life. If there is blockage or insufficiency of energy, the bodily functions suffer. The body normally transposes certain chemical substances into electricity or electrical potentials that can be used to move electrical and chemical signals throughout the body. When the body metabolizes foods, it is looking for nutrients containing energy. While the adequacy of electricity and energy largely depend upon this metabolism, we must remember the intake of air and water is also necessary. Sadly, our food intake has become no more than a means of satisfying hunger. No food resource today can be considered safe or nutritionally adequate. The air we breathe and the earth's water resources have become polluted with every known synthetic chemical imaginable. It's time to look beyond conventional dietary supplementation for health assistance. No conventional dietary supplement or drug can deal with the body's electrical deficiencies. Today, dietary supplements and foods are basically void of nature’s energy characteristics and are responsible, in large measure, for the loss of vigor, vitality and nutritional balance. Drugs are not the answer to health. Physicians prescribe drugs mostly to deal with symptoms, not causes of disease or illness. They are relying on the body to eventually cure or heal itself. The irony is, the body was designed to heal itself only when in a state of balance. Drugs, with their synthetic makeup, are known traditionally to create imbalances. Medical doctors do not have a prescription drug that provides electrical support or keeps the body in balance or healthy. Medical Science fails us by attempting to solve a health problem by trying to suppress a symptom rather than overcome the root cause of the symptom. There are millions of us dealing with health crises that are related to symptoms suppressed many years earlier. Eventually, in order to keep living, we will have to deal with the causes of illness and disease. So many of us judge our current health conditions on the way we feel right now! My experience tells me most of us don't care about our health until we are told we are very sick or have lost some bodily function. We eat junk and expect our bodies to like it. We wouldn't think of putting kerosene in our automobile's gas tank, yet we continually subject our bodies to junk foods and expect them to perform miracles. Doesn’t it stand to reason that in order to correct any problem, we should go to its cause? No one would attempt to get rid of termites in their home by treating the decayed and eaten out walls and supports. They would have to treat below the surface of the home where termites begin their assault. Almost always, the cause can be found and treated at the very foundational structure of the body as well. It’s as simple as, “If there is an imbalance or energetic problem at the molecular level, we must deal with and correct that before we can expect total healing.” Our bodies are programmed to eventually die! None of us are promised a sudden death without lingering pain or agony, and most of us die prematurely and needlessly. We are personally responsible for learning what it takes to stay healthy, and then doing it. It's up to each one of us to do whatever is necessary to keep the body in balance and healthy. Exercise and eating as right as possible are fine, but today they are not enough. Clean living and a positive outlook make us feel better about ourselves, but they are not enough either. Then what is enough? I believe everyone should plan for better health and healing by raising the electrical potential of the body’s molecular and cellular structure. This is a major requirement for establishing molecular balance and restoring the vitality and energy required by cellular complexes. Every light-energized product DNR makes and sells deals with this process. All of us at DNR, Inc. are proud of the fact that none of our products can harm or injure anyone. The following products are just a few that have been formulated for those wishing to stay as physically and emotionally healthy as possible. EVB Water Energizer is essential to feeling energized and balanced. ExStress Oral Spray and ExStress Extra Strength drops are beneficial for maintaining emotional balance and a relaxed mind and body. Shampoo Drops are for those needing to think more clearly and enjoy a longer harder workday. Vitalia oral spray provides the nutritional energy not found anywhere else, as well as it counteracts the toxins found in dietary intake. All of these products can balance, boost and maximize the immune system. What You Need To Know - To Get Well - Stay Well! |