ADD/ADHD Many children and adults being treated for ADD or ADHD are simply out-of-balance.
If you feel your child is a great child but can't get interested in school assignments or attention skills are lacking, the first step is to get that child in total balance. DNR, Inc. has developed Liquid Needle TOTAL BALANCE Topical and Oral Spray for children, teens and even adults who seem to suffer from specific chemical imbalances. Liquid Needle TOTAL BALANCE Topical Application has been formulated to act quickly by applying directly on various trigger points that can help stimulate the electrical-chemical balance required to show quick response. Some may feel TOTAL BALANCE Oral Spray is easier to use and more convenient. By spraying in the mouth and swallowing, the user isn't required to topically apply TOTAL BALANCE Topical Application to each physical point. However, it has been found that some new users receive faster results when using the topical application for the first several weeks. NEW Total Balance Body Soak takes Total Balance to the next level with subtle energies that can stimulate and coordinate the hemispheres of the brain. ADD/ADHD |