For almost three decades DNR, Inc. and all of its Independent Dealers have been praising Liquid Needle® Body Soaks and their ability to promote healing and hasten recovery from injury or illness. Everyone that uses these remarkable products experiences results usually in a dramatic fashion. The medical rationale behind these products has eluded many for as long as they have used them. The following research study was performed by Dr. William A. Croft, PhD. Toxicology, Pathology and Biochemistry Professor at the University of Wisconsin. This unprecedented and illuminating 5000 subject study clarifies the medical facts about Liquid Needle® Body Soak products.
By William A. Croft, PhD.
Toxicity, Pathology & Biochemistry
Inflammation is the reaction of tissues to injury. The essential process regardless of the causative agent is characterized clinically by local heat, swelling, redness and pain and pathologically by primary vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation and emigration of leukocytes, exudation of fluid, and deposition of fibrin. The process of repair is the production of new capillaries and fibroblasts that replace the damaged tissue.
Many injuries induce the same kind of response in the small blood vessels even though the responses may vary in the degree from one tissue to another. In their spread onset and in the final outcome, all share in common death or damage of tissue cells upon which the injury falls. Injury compels cells to discharge from their components or to manufacture during their dissolution and death, endogenous substances which establish the events of inflammation. (These are called chemical mediators.)
Inflammation begins in the cells. The chemical mediators of inflammation are cellular in their origin. Histamine, Serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine) and other substances are regarded as the chemical mediators. The cell types that contain some of these chemical mediators are basophile and mast cells. The mast cells are attached to small blood vessels and they secrete heparin into the cells to prevent clotting. Histamine is released just minutes after injury and disappears 30 to 60 minutes after damage. Antihistamine drugs inhibit histamine release, but not the inflammation of the exudative process. These substances cause, (a) the dilation of vessels, (b) capillary permeability and (c) induction of pain. There also exists an early inflammation substance called bradykinin which, in low concentrations, will cause pain. Additional substances are released into the intercellular spaces of injury such as cellular debris, nucleic acids and protein in which there are enzymes that cause added cellular injury.
During a strain, sprain, surgery or some other form of injury to the tissue, the tissue in the local area becomes inflamed. The circulation of blood to the area is interrupted, therefore, essential and life supportive nutrients are severely lowered. The cells at normal body temperature have a metabolic rate that needs vital nutrients in order to maintain a normal status. But when the circulation is stopped, cells are then suffocated and these cells become unstable and rupture releasing their contents into the disrupted areas which leads to more damage. All these cellular components and changes induce inflammation and pain.
Supervision and observation of some five thousand cases indicate that those treated for inflammation and swelling accompanied by pain or soreness due to injury or certain arthritic conditions have responded quickly and appear to have lessened incapacitation time. The mechanism for this product has not been determined with special procedures however, extensive test results signify there are sound biological reactions that take place in the body.
This Study Indicates the Following Claims should be Accurate and Responsible.
* Dynique®/DRAW® formula appear to halt the inflammation reaction that tends to cause additional tissue damage and degeneration of the affected areas.
* Dynique®/DRAW®formula relaxes pain and soreness because it depresses inflammation while stabilizing cell membranes; therefore, there are less ruptures and less releasing of chemicals that cause inflammation and pain.
* By reducing vascular permeability there is less fluid loss which permits the stabilization of vessel walls.
The early stages of inflammation are the body’s way of diluting and stopping the degenerative problem. The later stages of inflammation are reparative. This product lowers the early stages of inflammation which allows it to accelerate procedure to the later stages of healing.
This Study Concludes this Therapy Soak Formula Appears To:
1. Increase cellular membrane stability.
2. Increase circulation and enhance the production of new capillaries and fibroblast.
3. Interact with chemical mediators of the inflammation in depressing the early degenerative stages of inflammation.
4. Enhance and allow the flow of nutrients to the damaged area for an expedited repair.
5. Interact with cellular components that cause inflammation and pain so that less damage is done to local cells.
6. Effect and accelerate a more natural method of healing and pain reduction rather than using some harsh chemical or surgical procedure.
Footnote: All Liquid Needle® Body Soaks are formulated with this molecularly identical Dynique®/DRAW® mineral base solution. The introduction of specific encoded energies to individual soak products makes each soak formula unique for its specified health concern.