Toxicity, a major cause of Illness and Disease! Our bodies contain toxins that come from hundreds of metal and chemical sources that enter the body through what we absorb, to what we inhale, to what we eat or ingest. Our food supply is laden with toxic metal particles and chemicals that more often than not stay in the body while creating the causes of sickness and disease. An EPA report shows that 100% of human adipose fat samples taken in the United States are laced with chlorinated solvents and heavy metals. This report was published in 1986. Toxicity in the present era has been increasing at an alarming rate. Since 1986 humans and animals now show toxicity from lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, beryllium and most recently morgellons. The following DNR, Inc. products assist the body with it's natural ability to detoxify and deal with internal toxicity. Basic Ingredients found in the following Energy Formulations
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